The Vinyl Tile Horror Part 4

It’s official guys. I’m psychic. Well, maybe not officially but when I said that there was probably going to be another blog post coming after we got our bedroom floors done, I was right. Okay, I’m not psychic but from past history I think we all knew it was coming. As you know, we got our living room, hall, kitchen and tiki room done (which they still need to fix) and the bedroom was supposed to be part of that project but was put on delay because the 2 inch tile for the pattern was taking longer than expected to come in. It arrived and we were off to getting our bedroom floors done! So, we packed our bags to move BACK in with the parents for this expected 3 day job. But, we were planning on a week. July 15th was here and our stagnant projects were starting to move forward. I, at this time, was on summer break from ballet and my mom and I were leading VBS at our church the week of the 15th. The first year we put on VBS, we did a cowboy theme. So, my mom and I dressed up as cowboys with the fake mustaches stuck on with spirit gum and hillbilly accents that we never lost during the time we have the kids. We decided that with every year's changing theme, we would always stay as the cowboys but dress up as the theme we were doing that year. We named ourselves Sam Duran and Billy Bob. I’m Billy Bob. Haha.

This year we went to Hawaii. We did our full day that Monday morning with the kids from 9:00am-12:00pm and were getting a rest while eating lunch. As I was grabbing on to my mustache trying to rip it off my skin without shedding tears, Matt called to tell me that our floors would not be getting worked on that week because the ENTIRE crew walked out on our flooring guy and he was left to finish a house all by himself and he couldn’t work on ours without an ENTIRE crew!! No kidding, his crew walked out on him! I would have no reasons to wonder why! (Sarcasm) 🙄 The flooring guy then said that he was going on vacation next week so he couldn’t even work on our floors for another 2 weeks! Oh, I was livid! I know what you’re thinking. “Why didn’t you just hire someone else?” Well, to answer that good question....I don’t know. I guess because waiting 2 weeks was a shorter time than trying to find a whole other crew but at this point, who really knows. Ah...July 29th was here and it was finally the day for our floors to get done. So, we packed up our bags and moved BACK into my parents' house, for I think, the 5th time now for this 3 day challenge that we all know isn’t going happen. Monday flew by without any calls from Mr. Flooring Man so everything must have gone smoothly and we will be back in Wednesday evening. 

Wednesday evening quickly approached as we eagerly waited for the call to tell us that we can move back in. Without too much waiting that evening we got the call and with anticipation rising and our ears waiting for the sweet words, Mr. Flooring Man spoke and said “I haven’t even begun working on your floors yet.” WHAT!?!?! Hold up. It was supposed to be done THIS evening, and nothing has even been touched yet. “Correct” he replied. He began explaining that once he got to the project he didn’t realize how hard the pattern was going to be and he didn’t know if he could achieve it. Even though, might I add, that we showed him the picture of the pattern and showed him the tiles he would be using months ago and he said he could do it, no problems. He then started to explain that with the 2 inch tiles having to be so precise, that it would maybe start to show some gaps between the tiles. He said if we went over to the house that evening, looked at how the tiles were laid out with little gaps and were okay with that, if we gave him the go ahead that evening, he would begin working on it the next morning. So, we hopped in the car, checked out what he was talking about and determined that it really wouldn’t be that bad and for him to begin the next morning. Thursday came and I spent the day designing and painting our church. Oh, did I mention that while I’m completely renovating our home I’m also renovating our church? Yea, that’s happening. I always need a project. Waiting to hear about the day's updates and not hearing from the flooring guy, we gave him a call to simply ask, “How’s it going?” He replied, “Oh, I started working on another house today.” Now, you cannot even imagine the level of anger I have at this moment. Poor Matt was trying to control the crazy untamed woman. I was ready to march over to the flooring guy's home and drag his booty into our house while I watch him with hawk eyes. He said that apparently our contractor had told him to not continue with the project until he got ahold of us and got our approval to continue but surprise surprise...our contractor never called us for approval. We got on the phone with him and asked what in the world was going on? He said, “I never said that and, in fact, I have no idea what’s going on with your home. Also, you need to realize that we all are really busy around here and are 6 jobs behind. So, you need to cut us some slack.” Exxcccuussseee me!? You, our contractor, has NO idea what’s going on with our home and is making excuses for not caring!? I understand you might be busy but a simple “I’m sorry” does wonders. 

Stay tuned for the rest of the horrors...


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