Tonight's Feature Presentation: Rochelle's TV!

In the midst of all of our home improvement fiasco, Matt, my parents and I all took a trip to Walt Disney World. If you don’t already know me by now, my love for Disney pretty much exceeds everything else. Well, that is after Matt, my family and the 1950's. Speaking of which, before we take a turn down Disney lane, let's talk a bit about my 1950's fantasy life. Obviously, I love the décor, the fashion and the music but what about the entertainment? We're going to head back to Christmas 2017. Matt bought me a beautiful 1950's television that didn’t work. Oh, I was living the dream! I know you're probably thinking, “Rochelle, get real, he gave you a broken telly, how is that the dream?” Well, with my love for Disney I will quote "anything is possible" and yes, I made it possible. 

Carefully, we removed the old tube in the television to leave an empty cabinet behind the glass and dropped off the old tube to an old electric drop off place and was told we won the award for dropping off the oldest one of the day! As we all very well know, 1950's TV screens were teenee tiny!! We're talking 24 inches!! My grand plan was to find a flat screen TV and insert it into the cabinet behind the glass. But, who nowadays has a 24 inch TV screen? The funny part of it all, was when we walked into a Best Buy and asked if they had a 24 inch TV because we were putting it inside a 1950's TV cabinet. Preferably, a square shape. The looks on the workers’ faces verified that they thought we were nuts. But, after many hours there, we found a small screened TV that, of course, was not square but would fit well enough. And voila! We have a 1950's TV. 



We absolutely love being able to watch Netflix and Hulu through a vintage TV but if you remember, watching TV in the 50's was a huge family gathering. They would all sit around the small TV and watch the latest show. 

As we were fixing up our TV, we hooked the television inside to the speakers that were pre-built in the TV cabinet. Well, now I know why in the 50's they were all sitting so close to the TV….you can’t hear a dang thing! It's a good thing Matt and I have good hearing but with our nightly show watching, we have to turn off the AC unit just to hear it. But, nonetheless I love it so much and I would never go back to watching through a modern TV. Well, I just took a huge bunny trail off to what I was originally talking about….oh yes…1950's entertainment. From watching modern shows nowadays, I really realized how fast-paced everything is! They can't keep a camera shot on one scene for more than 5 seconds. Do we all need the scenery around us to change that quickly to keep our attention span? Being that Matt is a vintage fan as well, he got me hooked on the Lawrence Welk show.

 Ah….nothing like a feel good, light and happy show. There's the big band in the back, the guest performers such as a woman yodeling, a man that plays a xylophone while tap dancing, a guy that sings and plays the tuba while trying not to pass out, Lawrence Welk polka dancing along the stage and classic songs sung while they are dressed in costume to perform the song like a short musical. And I can’t forget the champagne music time where they pump bubbles onto the stage. Fun fact: they had bubble makers on the side of the stage that would pump soap bubbles onto the orchestra. But, the band complained because the soap was leaving horrible grime on their instruments, so they then made the bubbles out of glycerin. 

So, what does any of this have to do with my love for Disney? Stay tuned.


  1. i have to admit i half way thought you guys were going to say you made the TV work as well :)

    thats in good shape though i remember when the TVs were more of a piece of furniture.


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